Once you have booked your stay you will receive an WhatsApp message from us. We will add you to a group that includes us, Felipe and Yanet, and you (one designated party from the booking group). We prefer to have only one person as the designated "point person" to communicate with as it can get complicated when multiple people are involved and asking questions at the same time. We use WhatsApp to communicate with you to prepare and plan for your stay, as well as throughout your stay.
We suggest downloading a translating app, such as Google Translate. It is fairly easy to copy and paste messages into the app to ensure we all understand, since the primary language for Felipe and Yanet is Spanish. This is especially helpful if you are asking a question of them, specifically.
Ahead of your trip (approximately a month) we will send you communication to determine the following:
Many of the people of Yelapa rely on tourism for their survival. Just like in the US, it is customary to tip for services. Here is a guide of minimum recommended tips for services:
If you opt for the private boat charter to Yelapa (recommended), we will help coordinate with you and Felipe, our recommended boat captan. You will fly into Puerto Vallarta, catch a taxi to Marina del Rey (about a 5 minute taxi ride), then meet your captan at the marina. From there you will take the private boat charter approximately 45-60 minutes (depending on the water and weather) to Yelapa. You will then unload at the Yelapa pier where you will be led you your accommodations, with assistance carrying luggage.
Step by step instructions:
We offer pre-stocking as a service to our guests. This allows you to have selected items stocked in your Casa, waiting for you on your arrival. Generally, travel days can be long and exhausting, we have found that having selected snacks/drinks/breakfast waiting for you can be quite a relief. Here is a list of items we recommend considering, although it is completely editable:
We will communicate via WhatsApp to finalize your pre-stock preference. If there is something additional you would like, please add it to the list and we will do our best to secure it for you.
Yelapa is in Mexico and recognizes pesos as their currency. There are a handful of restaurants that accept credit cards (primarily on the beach), but otherwise, you will need pesos for your visit. We suggest working with your bank at least a month ahead of your trip. The rate of exchange changes from day to day, usually fluctuating between 16 to 20 pesos to 1 US dollar. We generally recommend planning to bring approximatley $1,000 USD worth of pesos per person, per week, for your trip as a baseline. This is assuming you will be eating out most meals and going on a couple of excursions. You can certainly spend much more or much less.
There are many excursions available during your trip; see the "Play" tab of our webpage for more details. If you would like to plan an excursion please send a message to the WhatsApp group and we will work to get it arranged. You will be provided a price, but please keep in mind that does not include a tip amount.
Any issues that may arise should be texted to the WhatsApp group. We will work as quickly as possible to resolve any problems. Please keep in mind the following: